quarta-feira, abril 29, 2009

Pimba, Pimba (Lily Allen)

Aproveito para partilhar uma das músicas do momento por aqui. A menina até tem uma voz interessante, sonoridade agradável, mas como muitas das letras em Inglês que por aí andam, tem tudo para ganhar o rótulo de "PIMBA". Não se trata necessariamente de uma observação depreciativa... até o vídeo brinca um pouco com esse domínio...
Seja como for, all boils down to the fact that women are never happy! :)
Outros há que apreciam a beleza "oculta"...

Not Fair
Oh he treats me with respect
He says he loves me all the time
He calls me 15 times a day
He likes to make sure that I'm fine
You know I've never met a man who's made me feel quite so secure
He's not like all them other boys
They're all so dumb and immature

There's just one thing that's getting in the way
When we go up to bed you're just no good
Its such a shame
I look into your eyes I want to get to know you
And then you make this noise and its apparent it's all over

It's not fair
And I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
Oh you're supposed to care
But you never make me scream
You never make me scream

Oh it's not fair
And it's really not ok
It's really not ok
It's really not ok
Oh you're supposed to care
But all you do is take
Yeah all you do is take

Oh I lie here in the wet patch
In the middle of the bed
I'm feeling pretty damn hard done by
I spent ages giving head
Then I remember all the nice things that you ever said to me
Maybe I'm just overreacting maybe you're the one for me


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Oh... a eterna dualidade bons/maus rapazes.
Nós queremos os bons, verdade que queremos, mas os maus continuam alimentar a nossa feminina fome d'abismo.
O que vale é que vocês são crescidos e vá... sabem que se às vezes forem bons e às vezes forem maus está tudo bem na mesma. Nós aceitamos e até estremecemos (mas.. só às vezes).

1:12 da tarde GMT+1  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

'This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together'.
(MiKa, Happy Ending - Life in cartoon motion)

1:31 da tarde GMT+1  

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